LG Kurpfalz, Schwetzingen (GER)

Affiliation ID 13867
Full name Leichtathletikgemeinschaft Kurpfalz
Short name LG Kurpfalz
Place Schwetzingen (GER)
Sports ATH

Founded as community of the athletics (track and field) sections of TV Altlußheim, HSV Hockenheim, DJK Hockenheim, TSG Ketsch, TSV Oftersheim, TBG Reilingen, SV Rohrhof, SV Schwetzingen, and TV Schwetzingen in 1969. Later HSV Hockenheim, DJK Hockenheim, and TSG Ketsch left the community, FV Brühl, TBG Neulußheim, and TSG Eintracht Plankstadt joined later.

Athletes (1)

Malaika Mihambo GER ATH Olympics 2016—2020