Daniel Gráč

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameDaniel•Gráč
Used nameDaniel•Gráč
Born15 March 1943 in Horné Ozorovce, Trenčín (SVK)
Died30 January 2008 in Horné Ozorovce, Trenčín (SVK)
Measurements179 cm / 79 kg
NOC Czechoslovakia
Nationality Slovakia


Daniel Gráč was Czechoslovak road champion in 1964, in addition to competing at the Olympics that year. He rode for Czechoslovakia in the team time trial at the 1965 and 1966 World Championships. Gráč competed in the 1967 Peace Race, placing 25th, and the 1967 Tour d’Autriche, finishing 21st. He later became a cycling coach in Prague, with the Federal Union, and was a trainer with the Army Sports Center in Dukla Trenčín.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal Nationality As
1964 Summer Olympics Cycling Road (Cycling) TCH SVK Daniel Gráč
Road Race, Individual, Men (Olympic) 22