Fernando Lima Bello

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games • Administrator
Full nameFernando•Ferreira Lima Bello
Used nameFernando•Lima Bello
Born27 November 1931 in Santos-o-Velho, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa (POR)
Died3 June 2021 in Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa (POR)
Measurements174 cm / 72 kg
NOC Portugal


Fernando Bello studied at Lisbon University where he earned a civil engineering degree, later working as director-general of a road construction company. He was a member of the Registration Committee for Public Works Contractors, a Director of the Regional Association of Contractors and Constructors, and a Former Director of the Construction Department, Ministry of Employment.

Bello competed twice at the Olympics in Dragon Class sailing, in 1968 and 1972. He was 1953 World Champion in the Snipe Class, and was once runner-up at the European Championships in Star Class. He also won Portuguese titles in Star, Dragon, and Sharpie classes. He also played football and tennis recreationally.

In sports administration Bello was a member of the Portuguese Olympic Committee beginning in 1975 and served as its chairman from 1981-89. He was a member of the International Sailing Federation, was a jury chairman at the World Sailing Championships, and was chairman of the Portuguese Sailing Federation and a member of its technical committee. He also helped found the Portuguese Olympic Academy. Co-opted onto the IOC in 1989, Bello served until 2009 and participated on the Cultural Commission, the Commission for the International Olympic Academy and Olympic Education, and on the Eligibility Commission. He also served as a commissioner from the IOC to the Universal Exhibition in Lisbon in 1998.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1968 Summer Olympics Sailing POR Fernando Lima Bello
Three Person Keelboat, Open (Olympic) Portugal 17
1972 Summer Olympics Sailing POR Fernando Lima Bello
Three Person Keelboat, Open (Olympic) Portugal 21

Organization roles

Role Organization Tenure NOC As
President Comité Olímpico de Portugal 1981—1989 POR Fernando Lima Bello
Member International Olympic Committee 1989—2009 POR Fernando Lima Bello
Honorary International Olympic Committee 2009—2021 POR Fernando Lima Bello

Special Notes