Konstantin Andrianov

Biographical information

Full nameKonstantin Aleksandrovich•Andrianov
Used nameKonstantin•Andrianov
Original nameКонстантин Александрович•Андрианов
Born16 February 1910 in Moskva (Moscow), Moskva (RUS)
Died18 January 1988 in Moskva (Moscow), Moskva (RUS)
NOC Soviet Union
Nationality Russian Federation


Konstantin Andrianov graduated from Moskva University with a degree in history. He helped found the USSR Olympic Committee in 1951 and served as its President from 1951-75, when he resigned to devote himself to the organization of the 1980 Moskva Olympics. As a youth he played football, ice hockey, athletics, and skiied before turning to sports administration. He was the head of various sports organizations for young people and this was recognized with his promotion to President of the Moskva Sports Union. Andrianov was co-opted onto the IOC in May 1951 and remained an IOC Member until his death in January 1988. He was a member of the Executive Board from 1962-74, serving as 2nd Vice-President from 1966-67, and 1st Vice-President in 1968-69.

Organization roles

Role Organization Tenure NOC Nationality As
President Olympic Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1951—1977 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov
Member International Olympic Committee 1951—1988 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov
Executive Board Member International Olympic Committee 1962—1966 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov
2nd Vice-President International Olympic Committee 1966—1968 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov
1st Vice-President International Olympic Committee 1968—1970 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov
Executive Board Member International Olympic Committee 1970—1974 URS RUS Konstantin Andrianov

Special Notes