Marketing Commission

The Marketing Commission was formerly called the New Sources of Financing Commission, and was formed in 1983. The most notable chairman of this commission was Dick Pound, the Canadian International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member who has become well known for his negotiating skills with television networks and with prospective sponsors of the Olympic Movement. It was Pound and this commission that was responsible in 1984-85 with forming The Olympic Programme (TOP), which recruits a small number of major corporations to be supporting sponsors of the Olympic Movement for each Olympiad. The current commission has 30 IOC Members, and is headed by the Japanese IOC Member Tsunekazu Takeda. The IOC has listed the mandate to this commission as:

  1. to review and study possible sources of financing and revenue for the IOC and the Olympic Movement, whilst ensuring that control of sport rests with sports authorities;
  2. to make recommendations to the IOC Executive Board regarding marketing and related programs
  3. to monitor the implementation of the IOC’s marketing and related programs, and report thereon to the IOC Executive Board; and
  4. to seek means of maximizing the potential benefits to the Olympic Movement available through association with marketing partners.