Union Luxemburg, Luxembourg (LUX)

Affiliation ID 2411
Full name Union Sportive Luxemburg
Short name Union Luxemburg
Place Luxembourg (LUX)
Sports FBL

Founded as merger of US Hollerich-Bonneweg and Jeunesse Sportive Verlorenkost in 1925. Known as VfR 08 Luxemburg (1940-1944). Merged with CS Alliance 01 and Spora Luxembourg to become Racing FC in 2005.

Athletes (4)

Fernand Guth LUX FBL Olympics/Non-starter 1948—1952
Adolphe Hubert LUX FBL Non-starter 1928
Fernand Schammel LUX FBL Olympics 1948
Willy Schütz LUX FBL Olympics 1928