Christine Ferneck

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameChristine Stephanie•Ferneck
Used nameChristine•Ferneck
Born29 April 1968 in München (Munich), Bayern (GER)
Measurements169 cm / 60 kg
AffiliationsMünchner SC, München (GER)
NOC Germany West Germany
Medals OG
Gold 0
Silver 1
Bronze 0
Total 1


Christine Ferneck and the West German field hockey team were fifth at the 1988 Seoul Games after a 4-2 win against Canada in the classification round. At Barcelona four years later, the re-unified German team won the silver medal, losing the final against Spain, 2-1 after extra time.

Ferneck was also European Championship runner-up in 1991. She won 59 international caps between 1988-92. Domestically, Ferneck played with Münchner SC and finally Berliner HC, helping them to win the German Indoor Championship in 1992.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1988 Summer Olympics Hockey FRG Christine Ferneck
Hockey, Women (Olympic) West Germany 5
1992 Summer Olympics Hockey GER Christine Ferneck
Hockey, Women (Olympic) Germany 2 Silver