LG Kindelsberg Kreuztal, Kreuztal (GER)

Affiliation ID 11849
Full name Leichtathletikgemeinschaft Kindelsberg Kreuztal
Short name LG Kindelsberg Kreuztal
Place Kreuztal (GER)
Sports ATH

Founded 1970 as community of the athletics (track and field) sections of TV Germania Buschhütten, TV Kreuztal, TV Eichen, TV Hoffnung Liftfeld, TuS Ferndorf, and TV Kredenbach-Lohe. Over the years also TuS Hilchenbach, TuS Dahlbruch, TuS Müsen, TSG Helberhausen, TV Allenbach, TuS Fellinghausen, and TV Einigkeit Netphen joined in.

Athletes (1)

Juliane Sprenger-Afflerbach GER ATH Olympics 2004