North Ayrshire, Great Britain

Place names (6)

Ardrossan, Scotland (GBR)
Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Kilbirnie, Scotland (GBR)
Kilwinning, Scotland (GBR)
Lochranza, Isle of Arran, Scotland (GBR)
West Kilbride, Scotland (GBR)

People born here (14)

Mark Bennett GBR RU7 Olympics 2016 3 February 1993 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Stewart Carson RSA BDM Olympics 2004 12 June 1976 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Steph Cook GBR MPN Olympics 2000 7 February 1972 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Frank Hughes CAN ATH Olympics 1928 3 September 1889 Ardrossan, Scotland (GBR)
Eric Jamieson GBR CSP Olympics 1984—1992 11 August 1960 Kilwinning, Scotland (GBR)
Crawford Kerr GBR ATH Olympics 1924 15 January 1902 Lochranza, Isle of Arran, Scotland (GBR)
Ian Kerr NZL HOC Olympics 1960—1964 10 February 1935 Kilbirnie, Scotland (GBR)
Peter Kirkbride GBR WLF Olympics 2012 19 December 1987 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Alastair MacLeod GBR ROW Olympics 1952 2 November 1924 West Kilbride, Scotland (GBR)
Rhona Martin GBR CUR Olympics/Coach/Other 2002—2014 12 October 1966 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Susan Scott GBR ATH Olympics 2008 26 September 1977 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Anthony Stirrat GBR CTR Olympics 1992 30 June 1970 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Kathryn Thomson GBR STK Olympics 2018—2022 26 January 1996 Irvine, Scotland (GBR)
Charles Turner AUS WPO Olympics/Coach 1976—1992 3 September 1952 Ardrossan, Scotland (GBR)

People who died here (1)

Willie Jack GBR ATH Olympics 1952 9 December 2008 West Kilbride, Scotland (GBR)


Ayrshire Flyers, Irvine (GBR) Irvine, Scotland (GBR)