Charles Terry Pledge

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameCharles Terry•Pledge
Used nameCharles Terry•Pledge
Born9 March 1887 in Camberwell, England (GBR)
Died31 March 1962 in West Wickham, England (GBR)
NOC Great Britain


Terry Pledge was a British artist, active as an architect and water color painter. He worked together with architect John Hatton Markham (1882-1961). After World War II a new Joint War Memorial Committee was established to commemorate Parliament’s war dead. Initially they hoped to achieve this by extensively modifying the Parliamentary War Memorial in London, but this plan was abandoned. The proposed schemes ranged from replacing the existing stone panels to fixing large etched bronze tablets either side of the reinstated cupola, with all the designed by Pledge.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1948 Summer Olympics Art Competitions GBR Charles Terry Pledge
Architecture, Further Entries, Open (Olympic) AC