Adolf Schmal, Jr.

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAdolf•Schmal, Jr.
Used nameAdolf•Schmal, Jr.
Born12 January 1885 in Brno, Jihomoravský kraj (CZE)
NOC Austria


Adolf Schmal was an Austrian sports shooter who competed in two events at the 1912 Stockholm Olympic Games. He finished 39th with the free pistol over 50 meters, and 20th with the duelling pistol over 30 meters. Schmal was born in Brno (Czechia) but represented Austria.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1912 Summer Olympics Shooting AUT Adolf Schmal, Jr.
Free Pistol, 50 metres, Men (Olympic) 39
Dueling Pistol, 30 metres, Men (Olympic) 20