Jerry Millner was the son of a highly successful wool merchant and woolen manufacturer, and eventually took over the family business. The 61-year-old Millner is the oldest Britain ever to have won an Olympic gold medal, a distinction he achieved at Bisley in 1908 when he son the free rifle event with a score of 98 points out of a possible 100. Miller took a serious interest in competitive shooting in 1871 and in 1874 was a member of the Irish team which visited the United States. In the match against the Americans, Millner began with a bulls-eye but unfortunately it was on the wrong target and the four points deduced for Millner’s error virtually cost the Irish the match as the host country won by only three points. Jerry Millner visited America again in 1887 when the British team lost the Palma Match at Creedmore by 93 points. He also represented Ireland in the Elcho Match for thirty years and captained the team in 1919, although he did not actually compete that year. Millner was a distinguished figure in the Territorial Army. He served as a lieutenant in the Finsbury Rifles from 1882 to 1887 and then joined the famous Carlow Militia which was by then a territorial regiment of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The Carlow Militia was finally disbanded in 1908 with Millner as their last Commanding Officer, having been colonel of the Regiment for the past 15 years. Lieutenant Colonel Millner served as a member of the Council of the National Rifle Association from 1907 to 1914. In retirement he became known as a breeder of Irish Setters, judging the breed at many dog shows, and writing the first book on the breed, The Irish Setter, Its History and Training, published in 1924.