Commissions of the IOC

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has created a number of Commissions which deal with specific issues related to the Olympic Movement. These tend to come and go, and can be difficult to follow and track accurately, especially as their names and functions tend to change every few years. The currently recognized commissions (as of November 2022) are as follows:

Several of the now defunct IOC Commissions have been as follows:

Several of the IOC Commissions have sub-commissions, notably the Medical and Scientific Commission.

In addition, the IOC also recognizes several working groups that often have the status of a commission, at least briefly. The IOC will also form ad hoc commissions to study certain problems, such as a Disciplinary Commission, which was formed to investigate doping allegations. The Disciplinary Commission later became a regular IOC Commission and is recognized as such as of November 2022.

Some of the above was taken from the IOC official website. Please refer to the following link for further details.