| Event type

Light-Heavyweight (≤82½ kilograms), Men

Date 9 September 1960 — 09:00
LocationPalazzetto dello Sport, Roma
Participants24 from 22 countries
FormatTotal of best lifts in military press, snatch, and clean & jerk determined placement. Ties broken by lightest bodyweight.

There was no clear favorite in this class as international competitions had produced several different winners in the last few years, and several of them had changed weight divisions. The leader after the press was American Jim George, who had won the bronze medal in the division at Melbourne. He continued to lead after the snatch, but narrowly over Poland’s Ireneusz Paliński, but Paliński outlifted George in the clean & jerk by 15 kg and won the gold medal comfortably, as George took silver. Bronze went to Paliński’s teammate, Jan Bochenek, who had always competed as a middleweight until the Rome Olympics.

1Ireneusz PalińskiPOL442.5Gold
2Jim GeorgeUSA430.0Silver
3Jan BochenekPOL420.0Bronze
4Géza TóthHUN417.5
5Jouni KailajärviFIN417.5
6Petar TachevBUL415.0
7Minoru KubotaJPN400.0
8Willy ClaesBEL392.5
9Shakir SalmanIRQ390.0
10Amiri MangashtiIRI390.0
=11Fernando TorresPUR390.0
=11Jean DebufFRA390.0
=11Rolf SennewaldGER390.0
14Mike LipariCAN387.5
15Phil CairaGBR385.0
16Sven BorrmanSWE385.0
17Iakovos PsaltisGRE385.0
18Kuan King LamMAL370.0
19Roland FidelSUI365.0
20Abdel Kader Ben KamelMAR337.5
21Jesús RodríguezESP325.0
ACFahmy Al-JuhinyUAR115.0
ACSylvanus BlackmanGBR250.0
DNFEnrique GuittensVEN