NOCs at the 1980 Summer Olympics

Countries participating at the 1980 Summer Olympics.

NOCs in green participated. The darker, the more participants. World map is not historically correct.

Country Men Women Total
AFG Afghanistan 11 0 11
ALG Algeria 54 0 54
AND Andorra 2 0 2
ANG Angola 10 1 11
AUS Australia 92 28 120
AUT Austria 64 19 83
BEL Belgium 43 16 59
BEN Benin 15 1 16
BOT Botswana 7 0 7
BRA Brazil 91 15 106
BUL Bulgaria 183 88 271
CMR Cameroon 22 3 25
COL Colombia 23 0 23
CGO Congo 9 14 23
CRC Costa Rica 28 1 29
CUB Cuba 174 33 207
CYP Cyprus 12 2 14
TCH Czechoslovakia 161 47 208
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 39 8 47
DEN Denmark 55 3 58
DOM Dominican Republic 5 1 6
GDR East Germany 222 124 346
ECU Ecuador 11 1 12
ETH Ethiopia 39 2 41
FIN Finland 99 6 105
FRA France 98 23 121
GBR Great Britain 149 70 219
GRE Greece 38 3 41
GUA Guatemala 10 0 10
GUI Guinea 9 0 9
GUY Guyana 7 1 8
HUN Hungary 182 81 263
ISL Iceland 9 0 9
IND India 56 16 72
IRQ Iraq 43 0 43
IRL Ireland 44 3 47
ITA Italy 121 38 159
JAM Jamaica 11 7 18
JOR Jordan 4 0 4
KUW Kuwait 56 0 56
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic 17 2 19
LBN Lebanon 15 0 15
LES Lesotho 5 0 5
LBA Libya 27 2 29
LUX Luxembourg 3 0 3
MAD Madagascar 8 3 11
MLI Mali 6 1 7
MLT Malta 7 1 8
MEX Mexico 36 9 45
MGL Mongolia 39 4 43
MOZ Mozambique 12 2 14
MYA Burma 2 0 2
NEP Nepal 10 0 10
NED Netherlands 57 18 75
NZL New Zealand 4 0 4
NCA Nicaragua 3 2 5
NGR Nigeria 38 6 44
PER Peru 14 14 28
POL Poland 232 74 306
POR Portugal 10 1 11
PUR Puerto Rico 3 0 3
ROU Romania 156 70 226
SMR San Marino 16 0 16
SEN Senegal 30 2 32
SEY Seychelles 9 2 11
SLE Sierra Leone 12 2 14
URS Soviet Union 340 149 489
ESP Spain 146 9 155
SRI Sri Lanka 4 0 4
SWE Sweden 122 23 145
SUI Switzerland 67 6 73
SYR Syrian Arab Republic 65 2 67
TTO Trinidad and Tobago 9 0 9
UGA Uganda 13 0 13
TAN United Republic of Tanzania 36 5 41
VEN Venezuela 37 0 37
VIE Vietnam 22 8 30
YUG Yugoslavia 136 28 164
ZAM Zambia 37 0 37
ZIM Zimbabwe 23 19 42
Total 4136 1119 5255